Safe and Sound

Safe and Sound made with the objective of reduce the percentage of maternal mortality in Colombia with adequate knowledge and effective use of existing technologies. The app was a tool that allow middle and lower class pregnant women to obtain a basic diagnosis in case of not having constant medical assistance.

Tracking Pregnancy App

Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano
Bogotá, Colombia

The research process

Includes the main formulation of the design problem and the use of methods such as user personas and user journey maps to visualize and understand the needs and contexts of the product's users. In addition, benchmarking was conducted to compare the advantages and potential areas for improvement with current products on the market.

Research phase

Research phase

According to DANE, National Administrative Department of Statistics of Colombia:

“The maternal mortality rate in 2019 was 15.1 deaths per 1,000 live births”

Problem Statement

Maternal mortality is defined as the death of a pregnant woman during pregnancy, childbirth or the puerperium, up to 40 days due to non-accidental or incidental causes. 75% of maternal deaths in the region of the Americas are caused by severe hemorrhages and infections, especially after delivery; gestational hypertension, preeclampsia and eclampsia; complications in childbirth and dangerous abortions (WHO, 2019).

90% to 95% of maternal deaths are avoidable

User Personas & User Journey Maps

Find some detailed information here ->

The Prototyping process

Includes the main formulation of the design problem and the use of methods such as user personas and user journey maps to visualize and understand the needs and contexts of the product's users. In addition, benchmarking was conducted to compare the advantages and potential areas for improvement with current products on the market.



Always safe and Sound

